Monday, September 5, 2011

can I called myself as a writer?

This is my first printed magazine article.
Not much, only one page and not on prestigious magazine.
But I am very proud of myself.
Hopefully there are other articles go after.



Deasy Priadi said...

WOWWWWW TITIIIIISSSSSSSS!!! Hebattt!!! hahahha... I'm sooo proudddd.
Majalah apa ni? Ngomongin keahlian lo ya? Olahraga? hehehe....

tishaarba said...

hahahaha deasy lebay.. majalahnya ada deh, malu gw.. iya tentang basket.. rencananya sih mau masukin lagi tentang pengalaman jalan2.. semoga aja di terima.. thank you by the way deasy sayang..